Monday 31 January 2011

The first week, and a long weekend off.

My first weekend back at work at Nutrition Centre has been really cool, I really enjoy the interaction with the customers and the organising of things. It's so easy to forget how satisfying it is to have a customer come into the shop feeling down or poorly and have them leave feeling more cheerful or hopeful that they'll feel better soon. It's even nicer when they come back a week or two later telling you how well the herbs/vitamins worked and how much better they are feeling!
I was so tired by the end of the week, and on Friday I embarked on the drive back to Sheffield, which took 3 hours because of a minor little thing of a car burning just up ahead of me on the A42!! Pretty crazy! So I was exhausted when I finally got there.
It was a nice weekend though, we went to the Western Park Museum, which was kinda cool, some of it was a bit wierd, and it's all a bit random.... there isn't a set theme for the museum - just a bit of everything! haha! In the animal section I found a giant insect (see photo above) - I don't think it represents the actually size! hahaha!
We also watched the new Darren Aronofsky film The Black Swan, which I loved! Natalie Portman played Nina beautifully, and all of the characters are so intricate in their insanity! I did think some of the special effects for the swan were actually unnecessary as the acting portrayed what was going on well enough.
Today I spent the afternoon with my very best friend - which is one of my favorite ways to spend my time!
Much Love x

Monday 24 January 2011

First day back at work

Today has been an interesting day. Lots to take in. It's nice to be employed again though! Hooray :)
I spent most of today learning what I am going to be doing in my new role. It's going to be fun, I'm going to be doing a lot of work on the website which I am really looking forward to! But I won't start that fully for a couple of weeks.
Incidentally staying at my parents house while I'm working (they're letting me stay temporarily) means I get to play with the cute cats they have - Ozzie and Merlin. Merlin is currently tearing around the living room chasing his toy mouse, and Ozzie has spent the last hour attempting catch the biggest fish in the fish tank, through the glass.
I'll pop up a picture of Ozzie in a backpack.... he got in there himself, he loves getting in bags!
I don't have much else to post for now, life is very different to how it was 4 weeks ago.... and even more different to how it was 52 weeks ago! haha. It's funny sometimes how things work out.
Much Love x x

Tuesday 18 January 2011

All change.... again!

Two weeks on.... and everything has changed! Well nearly everything anyway! So the job hunt was relatively short I suppose, I was applying for anything that I thought I could deal with doing, although none of those jobs were anything like what I actually would enjoy doing for work. I know that some people have this odd idea that you don't need to necessarily enjoy your work as long as you are enjoying your free time.... that is not how I like to live! If I'm going to have to spend over 20% of my week doing a specific thing, then I really hope to enjoy it, or at least have an interest in it!
Well anyway, at the start of last week I was offered a job 18 hours a week, and minimum wage.... nowhere near what I need to earn to be able to live, but I took it regardless thinking I can always get a second job. (And by this point I'm really bored and just wanted something to do!! haha) I then called my old boss just for a chat and to tell her about what I was doing, and I asked her if she needed any help for the rest of the week before I started my exciting new £5.93 per hour job .... to which she replied yes please!
So off I pootle to Cirencester in my little green car to do 3 days work for Nutrition Centre. On my second day I get a bombshell dropped on me.... "Donna I've got a position available at Nutrition Centre, and I wanted to offer it to you before I offer it to anyone else.... " aaaaahhhh what?!?! - was my initial internal response! Hahaha!
Luckily 15 minutes later my very good friend and confidant Dan turned up to take me out for lunch. No joke, I was shaking! I knew that I wanted to take the job.... but I live in Sheffield? How on earth was this going to work!? After an hour long chat and a very nice caesar salad I felt a little calmer. After the rest of my day and a chat with Sam I was even calmer than that.... after accepting the job and returning to Sheffield, and knowing that this is how it was all supposed to work out anyway, I felt my shoulders relax for the first time in what has felt like a long time.
I start in a week... my working week will be spent in Gloucestershire and my weekends will be spent in South Yorkshire, and for all of you who think I must be mad - I'm actually looking forward to it?! I get to spend my week working for an independent company that I love, surrounded by the Cotswolds and all my old friends - and my weekends with my man in a city, which is fun and a stones throw from the Peak District!
Much Love x x

Tuesday 4 January 2011

The hunt gets serious!

No no no, i'm not talking about hunting animals, or people for that matter!! I'm talking about the hunt for employment! Lets face it, looking for a job is a rubbish task, and it's even more rubbish because when you are doing it usually you have no income. So it's not like you can enjoy yourself at the same time as looking for a job, oh no, this is a serious, no fun allowed business. Right? Well I just hope it's not a long drawn out process, because it's boring me just thinking about it! hahahaha!
No, seriously though, I have been applying for jobs, but you find yourself applying for things (because you feel like you should) that you probably don't really want. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I get interviews for the ones that I actually really want! So cross your fingers and toes for me too!!
May all of you who are back at work, remember how rubbish it is when you don't have a job, and enjoy your day!!
Much Love x x