Wednesday 27 June 2012

Disaster 24 hours

Ok, so disaster might be a little over dramatic! But last night while I was making my raw brownies (which do taste nice, although I put too much almond milk in so they're not really like brownies, more like... well I don't know, but it tastes good!) I was mega tired and cleaning up, just cleaning out my hand blender... forgetting it was still plugged in... pressed the power button by accident... finger in blade vicinity... yeeeeeaaaaaow!
Yeah - blended my finger a little... not too bad though, it's still all intact, just a little bit shredded on where my finger print would be. It did bleed rather a lot, and yes I did cry rather a lot too!! Ouch! But it seems to be healing super speed. No guitar playing for a while though!!
My other disaster is that I couldn't go running this evening - no not because of my finger, I'm not that much of a wuss! - but because I've developed a sore throat, and feel like I'm coming down with something. So not cool, I really don't want a cold in time for Sunday.
So in order to fight this off I'm dosing myself up with half a ton of Vit C and Olive Leaf!
You can even see my herbal tea on the table in an attempt to get as much going on to get rid of this before it even starts! I will NOT get a cold! Hahaha.
Well I hope it works anyway, I'm really looking forward to Mud Runner and I don't wanna miss it because of a silly cold!
Love and Vitamin C
x x

Tuesday 26 June 2012

5 days to go...

It's Mud Runner Oblivion on Sunday... 
...I'm scared!
Hahaha! Actually I'm excited, I've been doing loads of exercise, and the running is back on track after my tiredness phase! It's gonna be a laugh anyway, as it's the first event myself and Clare have ever done.
I'll report on our adventure!
Love and running
x x

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Playing in Lineover woods

I've not been able to write much lately, mainly because I spent nearly 3 weeks feeling exhausted! I must've been fighting something off. So there wasn't much energy for things like running, music and writing blogs. 
However I'm back in the world of the energetic now, which is lucky as I need to be fighting fit ready for Mud Runner Oblivion... which is the 10k obstacle course that I have somehow managed to be roped into?! (I'm sure it'll be fun... that's what I keep telling myself anyway! haha!)
I did go for a walk in Lineover woods on Sunday though, something that I'd been meaning to do for a while. There's quite a lot of cool things to see too. 
This is a Fragrant Orchid, which was growing in the more open part of the woods.
...And these mushrooms we found on a dying tree, they are called Dryad's Saddle, because they look like a saddle for a horse for a pixie or something! They are actually edible... not sure I'm up for trying them though! They did look really cool and magical though. :-)
To be honest I just like being in the woods and looking at all the cool plants and creatures, I get a bit nerdy with it! We saw a red and black froghopper too, and lots of bees and other wild flowers, and of course slugs hahaha!
Love and Woodlands
x x

Friday 1 June 2012

My Guitar

I love my guitar. 
There I said it. I know I'm never gonna be a virtuoso, but I love writing songs on it, and I love how it sounds. It's a pretty one. :-) Many hours have been spent just me and my guitar, writing new songs or attempting to learn other peoples...
I miss it when I don't get to play for a few days, even if I'm not playing anything special... (like I say, I'm no virtuoso!)
I only ever learnt to play guitar because I wanted to be in a band, hahaha! But I got hooked, I love songwriting, I'm seriously falling in love with singing again. My neighbours must get fed up with hearing me sing! The one tells me she thinks it's nice, so I guess I'm safe from raging neighbours for now! 
So I don't think I'll be ditching my guitar any time soon, and thanks Ray, if you read this, for selling me such a lovely instrument! 
Love and guitar
x x