Friday 24 February 2012

Feeling a bit under the weather!

I was supposed to go out this evening, but I feel pretty poorly, it's not very fun I'll be honest. I'm not good at feeling unwell. I get really annoyed that I can't do the things I want to do! I can't sing at the moment, I can't do any exercise. We had to cut our run short yesterday as I started feeling sick towards the end. Rubbish. I also hate it when you don't feel well and you have to wear make up too, it just feels icky.
I've been taking loads of Olive Leaf today and I'm gonna go to bed in a minute... I've been in my PJ's since 6.30pm! Check my amazing slippers hahaha!
Hopefully I'll wake up feeling better tomorrow!
So I've had a night in painting my nails.. although I've just looked at them and I haven't done a very good job of it, they've got marks on them... oh dear! hahaha! I did watch Natural Born Killers too. I think I've got a bit of a warped sense of what to watch when I'm not well!? 
Ok I'm going to bed now,
Love and Manflu (clearly)
x x

Friday 17 February 2012

Endless Possibilites

This is a thought that has been dancing around the outskirts of my mind for the past couple of weeks, anything is possible... and the possibilities are endless.
It's that sort of feeling that anything could happen, if only you open yourself up to it. 
I guess that what I've been thinking is that as long as you want something to happen to you, and you put yourself into a position where you could accept that possibility into your life... then it could happen. It's a cool thought, and I'm enjoying having it flickering round my consciousness like a little flame of inspiration.
I've been thinking more and more that I feel like I'm on the right track, I'm where I'm supposed to be, doing the things I'm supposed to be doing. Does this mean I've found my way? After all this time? :-) hahaha, who knows... I think I've found a clearing in the forest for now anyway. 
So here is to endless possibilites and all the wonderful things that the world can bring you.
Much Love 
x x

Saturday 4 February 2012

Which came first - The Chicken or The Egg?

So today I decided to embark on solving one of life's many mysteries, as you do. Today I got to work at the age old question of Which came first, the chicken or the  egg? Totally cracked it, all I needed was 5 minutes and some technical pieces of scientific equipment, a bubble interlude and some patience.
So here is the documentation of said experiment...

Glad to be of help.
Love and crap science.
x x