Sunday 14 August 2011


I've not felt great, physically, the past week. I'm feeling better now, but i've struggled with my energy levels. I've spoken and spent time with lots of people lately too. I've been writing, creatively I feel in a good place. Work is cool, it's starting to feel like "work home" now... that's quite important.
I feel quite subdued today, and I've been pondering *Love* a lot lately too. As in what is it? Why does it happen? Where do we find it? Why is it that it comes and goes? Why do we find glimmers of it in unexpected places? How do you ever *know*? 
Because people say that, "When you meet them, you'll know"... but do you really? And is that when you first meet them? Or does that happen over time? And what if you never know? Or what if you *think* you know... but you don't really? 
All I know, is that I have people that I care about, and I will hold on to that as tightly as I can... perhaps one day I'll know too.

Love and warm thoughts ...