Saturday 4 February 2012

Which came first - The Chicken or The Egg?

So today I decided to embark on solving one of life's many mysteries, as you do. Today I got to work at the age old question of Which came first, the chicken or the  egg? Totally cracked it, all I needed was 5 minutes and some technical pieces of scientific equipment, a bubble interlude and some patience.
So here is the documentation of said experiment...

Glad to be of help.
Love and crap science.
x x


  1. Can't argue with that! You should really science for money. :)

    I'd like to see more experiments in the future.
    Maybe the differences between men and's clearly so untapped.

  2. I should so "Science for money" whatever that means....

  3. Since it's never been specified that it has to be a chicken egg, then the egg came first. Dinosaurs had eggs :D

  4. I think you might be right Drew... I didn't have a dinosaur timer though... :)

  5. Then I reckon we'll have to find you one... For the sake of science of course :P
