Friday 30 December 2011

My favourite things of this year!

LOADS of stuff has happened this year, and these are just a few of the things that I really liked! :-)

I hope you have a fun new years eve, and 2012 brings lots of happiness, laughter and love!

x x

Sunday 18 December 2011

Gratitude for music...

I LOVE playing music, and I'm always so thankful for opportunities to play live, and write new songs, and hear other people play music too.
It's amazing. And I'm thankful.
Love and Music
x x

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Christmas Hats....

There is something about wearing a paper crown that makes everybody feel a bit silly... I can't imagine why...

Love and Christmas Hats
x x

Thursday 1 December 2011

Organic Farming vs. Vegetarianism...

I had a weird conversation the other day, that could have escalated into a full blown debate, but it wasn't the place for it, so I felt the need to throw my thoughts on it out there.... 

Let me know your thoughts on the subject too? It's one of those ones that I don't think there is a right answer to?
x x

Sunday 27 November 2011

Somewhere to sit, and something that makes my ears happy.

I have a sofa now! Hooray! 2 months of sitting on the floor makes me really appreciative of having a lovely new sofa, I'm a lucky girl. :-) Very thankful for everything I have today.
... I really am so lucky to have somewhere so nice to live, and my neighbours are friendly too. 
I'm lucky also to have someone to write music with again, I feel like I wanna do more though! (I think I'll always feel like that haha!)
Right now I'm listening to the new acoustic album from Black Lab, I love his voice and his lyrics... order their album here: and you get a mp3 download too so you can listen to it straight away :-) I LOVE it! 
Anyway, I'm gonna go and indulge my ears with that a bit more now...
Love and Black Lab...
x x

Thursday 17 November 2011

A game I like to play when I'm bored on a bus/train/plane...

This is another little game I like to play, not that I'm obsessed with some kind of post-apocalyptic world or anything, I just think it's a fun way to think about people. 

Anyways, try it next time you are bored and in a group of people. ;-)
x x

Saturday 12 November 2011

Bristol Aquarium...

Me and my sister went to the Aquarium on Thursday... which I had been really looking forward to, it was ok.... we had a giggle anyways...

Well, it's nearly the end of my week off. I've had a really chilled out one though. It's been nice to not have anything to worry about anything for a week :-)

Love and Fishes
x x

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Zombie Apocalypse Nightmare....

I have a recurring dream about the apocalypse (not of earth, but of mankind as we know it)... and actually I enjoy this dream. I hadn't had it for maybe a year? So it was very cool that I had it again last night. :-)

Does anyone else have this dream? Or any other kind of interesting recurring dream?
Love and Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse...
x x 

Friday 4 November 2011

New mittens, but no new kittens.

Today I've felt for the first time since I moved to Cheltenham that this can be my home, and that it is my home. I've been out this evening with a couple of girls I've not seen for ages, and it was really cool... it's just starting to feel more like my place to be, with people that I know in it. 
I'm starting to find where everything is too, I found a shop today that sells local art and other creations, and I picked up some mittens which were really cute. When I bought them the women behind the till got very excited, then told me that she had made them. :-) How cool is that!!! I love them they're so sweet. I'm wearing them now while I'm typing hahaha!
The lady has a blog also which is here:
I just get excited by buying stuff locally. It's like when the guy brings the local honey in to work, and he tells me all about the bees and what's been going on in the world of honey, it's just cool. It makes you think about things more, and it's not just some random product that you've no idea where it was made or what went into the making of it. 
Anyways, I'm looking forward to doing more exploring next week, as I'm not working. I might even buy some art for my walls... or maybe I'll make some? I'm definitely going to go to the library.... oh I'm such a nerd! hahaha.
Ooooh there were fireworks just going off! I'm gonna go see if I can see them.
Hope everyone has a good bonfire night tomorrow.
Love and Mittens
x x

Friday 28 October 2011

Hallowe'en pumpkin carving!

Me and my friend made pumpkin lanterns! Yay! It was fun, I hadn't made one for a couple of years.

I hope everyone has a good weekend, I'd love to hear about what you get up to!

Love and spookiness

x x

Sunday 23 October 2011

Paper Heart

I just watched the film Paper Heart that my friend told me he thought I'd like... he was right about that, I loved it. I love the fact that she's awkward, and I feel like her so often, and think like her very often too! haha!
It made me laugh and it also made me cry a couple of times...

I love hearing stories of how people met, and got together, and when they knew that, that was it, this is the one they want to hold on to. The film has a few such stories in it. It was exciting to hear one of my friends talking about her relationship, and her *knowing* that the one she is with right now is THE love of her life. How amazing must that be... She's under no illusions, she knows. She also knows how much it takes to make things work. 
I love the story of how my parents got together... they didn't even fancy each other to start with! They danced together at a party to try and get their friends to dance together... and it all started after that. How funny!? They are so funny though, and I couldn't imagine one without the other. 
I guess that's how one day I'd want things to be for me though? Not being able to imagine life without that other person. 
Anyway, if you are ever stuck for a film to watch, I recommend Paper Heart, very funny and very cute. 
x x

Thursday 13 October 2011

Cat withdrawal.

I'm having serious Cat withdrawal.... it's no fun. I kinda went cold turkey when I moved out, and since then I've only had a cat hug, like, twice. So I'm not sure how I'm going to get over this... if anyone has a good ideas....

I love cats =^..^=
Love and Miaows
x x

Friday 7 October 2011

What cheers you up?

Afternoon... well it's evening actually.
I wanted to write about things that cheer me up, and I made a video about it too. 

You know how some days you wake up and life is just easy, getting out of bed is easy, you feel amazing, and positive and like you have this enormous love for the world and everyone in it. Well I LOVE those days, the days when you are just flying. I usually send messages to my closest friends on those days, just to spread the vibe. 
On the flip side of that, some days are just a little bit tougher than normal, you feel tired, and everything just seems a bit more difficult, and you're less tolerant than normal. Well I've been, unfortunately having a couple of days where my heart is heavier than normal. 
I tend to just go with it, and try to focus on the things that cheer me up!! I know in a few days time I'll be flying again :-)
Love and Positivity
x x

Monday 3 October 2011

How to get Big Hair.... not always as desired....

I like to play a game when I'm bored... or when my hair is just really misbehaving.... 

Very silly indeed. :-)
Love and Big hair
x x

Monday 26 September 2011

New Home (again) and Ghosties!!! or lack thereof...

I've moved into my new home, I'm finally settled into somewhere that I am going to live for a whole year - for definate!! YAY! 
It's a nice feeling. I'm starting to feel like it's my home now, I just need to meet a few more people from the area and I'll be sorted. I've met 2 of my neighbours and they are really friendly too. :-)
I also need a sofa.... sitting on the floor is fine, but after a week or so a sofa is seeming like a really attractive item of furniture to have!!
Anyways... here's a little video about ghosts... and the ones that I definately DON'T have in my flat....

Sweet dreams!!!
x x
(I love how it looks like how I've got my finger up my nose in the video still... wonderful!)

Monday 12 September 2011

The move is imminent!!

Hellooooo! I know, I know, it's been over a month, I'm rubbish and I haven't had a chance to really write here for ages. I am however moving house at the end of the week!! I'm so excited!! My own place! This is the first time I've lived on my own, somewhere that I have chosen. YAY!
I only hope that my friends don't forget about me when I'm living in a new town... :-) I'm sure that the ones that count will stay in touch. 
I'm gonna miss little Merlin and Ozzie too... nawww little kittycats. They're so naughty and cute.
So a lot of my thoughts have been filled up with moving home (again) the last month. I've been reading lots too, I'm nearly finished with the millenium trilogy. Lisbeth Salander is my current heroine. I want to watch the films when I've finished the books. :-) I was a bit disapointed that Mikael Blomkvist wasn't so attractive in the films as he was in my head hahaha!
Anyways, I've got lots to organise with work and with moving, I'll hopefully blog a little bit more when I've got more time.
Music and Love 
x x

Sunday 14 August 2011


I've not felt great, physically, the past week. I'm feeling better now, but i've struggled with my energy levels. I've spoken and spent time with lots of people lately too. I've been writing, creatively I feel in a good place. Work is cool, it's starting to feel like "work home" now... that's quite important.
I feel quite subdued today, and I've been pondering *Love* a lot lately too. As in what is it? Why does it happen? Where do we find it? Why is it that it comes and goes? Why do we find glimmers of it in unexpected places? How do you ever *know*? 
Because people say that, "When you meet them, you'll know"... but do you really? And is that when you first meet them? Or does that happen over time? And what if you never know? Or what if you *think* you know... but you don't really? 
All I know, is that I have people that I care about, and I will hold on to that as tightly as I can... perhaps one day I'll know too.

Love and warm thoughts ...

Friday 29 July 2011

"When God was a Rabbit" *

I stood outside yesterday and a white feather fell into my hand, it's the second time in my life that's happened. It was gone as quickly as it appeared, but it made me smile.
I felt a lot yesterday, but not overwhelmed, I felt calm, contented while I sat outside, I felt happy for every positive encounter and connection I've made, and simultaneously sad for every loss, the outcome was that I was quiet, thoughtful... but contented.
I drank too much the night before, but it was with four beautiful girls who I'm sad I won't be working with anymore, however, I know we'll stay in touch if we need each other still.
My head was sore when I woke up, and I then probably drank too much coffee, but I felt good sat in the sun, I finished reading my book that I've struggled to enjoy until the last quarter, and now I've finished it, I loved it.
Occasionally the grass seeds were knocked by the wind and shook fairies dancing into the air. A butterfly sat on the fence for around an hour. I felt connected, part of the earth, mortal, alive.
I breathed deep, there weren't any strong smells, I could feel the earth through my bare feet, I was grounded. 
I was tired, I was hungry, I was happy.

*When God was a Rabbit - the book I finished yesterday, I highly recommend it.

Sunday 24 July 2011

New job, gigs and the RIAT!

I've not had time to make a new video!! Booo! There's just been too much going on. I spent last weekend (my whole one day off) at the Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford, which was really cool as I hadn't been for quite a few years. My dad taught me a few interesting things about some aeroplanes too. hahaha! I loved watching the red arrows and the ticolore display team, as well as seeing the tornado and vulcan. - I could get a bit nerdy about planes I think... Oh dear.
My friends band were playing too, so obviously we watched them play - didn't watch Alexandra Burke though... although I did see her dancers briefly.. but I wasn't overly impressed!
The evening before that I played an acoustic set with my friend, at a party in a garden, that was really good fun, even though it was absolutely freeeeeeezing!!! It was very windy, but I really enjoyed playing. It was the first time I'd played a gig in 11 months, I was a little bit nervous but it went well! I think we're going to play a gig again in the next couple of weeks, yay! We played again at the local open mic night on wednesday too. That was a good night, loads of people out, and lots of musicians too. Very funny indeed. 
On Monday I started my new job in Cheltenham. It's going ok, lots of things to learn, but I'm getting the hang of everything. All of my staff are lovely too, which is awesome. :-) Now I just need to start looking for a flat!
Anyways, it's sunny outside, and I need to be out in it...
I'll be making a new video as soon as I have some time... hahaha...
Love and sunshine x x

Monday 11 July 2011

What do you have in common with me?

I might be getting into this whole making video blogs... although it may just be a phase. I might get over it too :-)
Today I've been thinking about the fact that every human being can have something in common with every other human being on the planet. There is no reason to think that you can't get on with someone else.
You just have to find that common ground. The great thing about that is, once you have found that common ground you can then start to learn about all the other things that makes that person interesting and unique, and maybe you'll find out about other new things that you like too.
I find it fascinating, the world is an infinite source of new things to learn or explore. And getting to know someone new is a really cool way of doing that! So don't judge someone before you've even spoken to them, just because you know they like something that maybe you don't, they might open your eyes to something else really amazing that you've never heard of before. :-)
Happy Exploring x x

Thursday 7 July 2011

Things that I like at the moment...

I was going to write a blog about things that I like at the moment, but I actually just made a video blog... so I'm going to put that up here now instead. 
Be warned, it is just me rambling... mainly about the cats. 

I will also say that the other things I do like at the moment/in the last few days are....
1. Having a tan
2. Not having work until next week
3. Having spent 4 days on the beach
4. Reading... everything
5. People trying to talk to me in Spanish or German before trying English.
6. Eating oranges
7. Drinking Mojitos
8. Making a vlog
9. Blue Skies.... although there hasn't been much sign of that since I got back
10. Being chilled out


I hope you liked my video, even if you thought it was silly, I hope at least it made you smile.
Love and sunshine
x x 

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Time Alone

I need my space, I always have done... I'm having my alone space this evening. Sometimes I only need an hour, sometimes a whole evening, occasionally I need a whole day. Goodbye world I'm hanging out with myself for a while!! Ha ha!
I think on the whole it's important. It certainly keeps me sane, don't get me wrong, I LOVE being around people, but sometimes I just want to turn off, have some reflective time, or just bumble about, doing not much, on my own. You know, waste some time, or take a bath, do some music or writing. It's nice. :)
So... that is what I am doing for the next hour or so! 
I'm also going to start putting a few things in a backpack for my holiday! So excited now... I can not wait! Only one more day of work, and then 5 days in the sunshine and then 5 more days to do what ever I like. 
Life is good :D
Love and big smiles
x x

Monday 20 June 2011

Song writing, perfume, books and holidays.

Today has been my day off, and whilst the weather has been decidedly dodgy for June, I've stayed inside for most of today. I have however played guitar a lot, I've had to stop cos my fingers were complaining! 
I've written a new song today, well the melody and the structure that is, I wrote the words a long time ago. I can't write words right now, it's so frustrating, everything that comes out I'm not happy with. Writers block maybe? However I'm very pleased with what I have written today anyway. 
I revived an old old old song of mine too, which is cool cos I'd forgotten about it!
The rest of last week was fun too, I met up with an old college friend, always a good giggle. I sang a couple of songs with my friend at open mic night - i hope to do more of that soon.
I also bought a new perfume - which I LOVE! I've been wearing Angel by Theirry Mugler for about 3 years and I felt it was time for a change, so I've now got the Jimmy Choo perfume, it's lovely, the girl in the shop picked it out first for me - very clever lady! She knew what I would like straight away. I like how smells can take you back to a certain time or place, or remind you of a certain person. Wearing a nice perfume makes you feel good.
I got 3 new books this week too.... Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, When God was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman, and The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson. I've started Water for Elephants, and I'm sucked in already - love it when that happens.
I booked a short holiday with my sister this week too, so excited about getting away for a few days and getting some sun!! :-)
All in all it's been rather a good week, and here's to another one.
Love and good vibes
x x

Tuesday 14 June 2011


I know there's a song that tells me that a change could do me good, but really!!! If I could sum up the last year in one word that word would have to be change. I don't think anything else could have possibly changed! 
I've changed my job 3 times, I've changed where I live 3 times, my relationships with different people I know have changed. My outlook on my life has changed, my attitudes have changed. My emotions have changed, and how I want to live has changed.
I think that some of the things that have happened to me in the last year have been really positive, I feel quite free at the moment, and whilst the lead up unto now has been hard and at times down right rubbish, it's been a learning curve. 
I've learnt a lot about myself, I feel happier in my own skin now. 
Sometimes upheaval can be a positive thing, it can also bring home to you which people in your life that you can really count on.
I have also realised that without music in my life, I am not a very happy bunny. :) I'm SO thankful to everyone who has ever played music with me, and to anyone who continues to write, or create or just allows me to express myself musically.
Right I'm off to play my guitar I think...
Music and Love
x x
(The slightly blurred, picture is of me and a handsome guy called Ozzie)

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Band Practice....

I have band practice tomorrow.... and I'm very excited about it! 
I've been writing again for the first time in ages too. 
It makes me happy.
That is all.
Love xx

Sunday 15 May 2011

Long time no see...

This weekend I got to see my housemate from the last place I called 'home' ... I hadn't seen her since we both moved out of town, and that had been 6 months. 
I love it when you meet friends and have a great connection, and if you are away from them for a length of time, be that weeks, months or years... when you meet up again it's like you click back into that connection. It's just so cool, and I think when that does happen, you know you've got a friend that really counts, and not just a friend of circumstance. 
I have a few friends like this, we see each other a couple of times a year, because we live too far away to see each other more, and it's just so nice to be able to catch up with them.
So I think what I'm saying is, it was really nice to see my old housemate, and we had a good giggle, and I really miss getting to chat to her on a daily basis, but I'm so glad we still get to see each other. Here is quite an old photo of said friend et moi :-)
And thats all I had to say, hooray for good friends!
x x

Monday 11 April 2011

New Doodle, New Band

New doodle is up on youtube, although you can watch it here:

I also have a second band rehearsal for the new band tonight, first rehearsal went really well so tonight should be good! Watch this space for any more news 
x x

Thursday 17 March 2011

A new doodle!

Hello! Once again, it's been a long time. Life has been busy, I don't get a lot of time to share my thoughts with myself, let alone with anyone who happens upon my blog!
Work is busy, home life is busy, I don't have a lot of free time to just chill. This evening however I did get time and I managed to do another doodle film. Which is up on youtube already! Hooray! watch it here:
I may have a new musical project in the pipelines in a few months too, early days at the moment though! As in it's still in the discussion stage! Looking forward to seeing what kind of sounds it's all going to make though!
I hope everyone who reads this is safe and happy (I have the news on in the background, so many people in the world who are in scary situations in the world)
D x

Thursday 17 February 2011


I feel like the past two weeks have been so packed, I've had no time to write anything here. It seems like so much has happened and I could have written something for nearly everyday in here.
But for now, as time is ticking and I need to get some sleep, I will comment on the fact that time going quickly is usually time well spent. I feel like I've spent my time well the past couple of weeks. I've seen more of my friends than I probably have done in the past 6 months.... it feels that way anyhow. I've loved it though, even if it's meant I've not had much time to myself, it's been so nice to see people that I care about.
I even got to see my nan and my cat this evening!! haha!
I feel like things are back on track, I'm so excited about my job, it's been so much fun so far this week. I've seen beautiful Laura lots, whom I love dearly. In general life is busy, which means life is good. :)
Love x x

Monday 7 February 2011

"Cheshire" moon and The Rude Shipyard.

It's a cheshire moon tonight - as I call it! hee hee, it reminds me of a cheshire cat smiling in the sky. I like the moon.... that probably sounds like a really dumb thing to say, but I really do. I think it has an effect on us more that we realise. The amount of times I've had a day when I've been feeling all out of sorts and then realised that it's the full moon... hahaha makes me sound like a weregirl! I refuse to believe that we aren't affected by the moons cycle, if it affects the seas and oceans then it must affect us! Right? Lunar - loony...
Anyways, I went to Sheffield again this weekend, the drive felt really long this time, but it was so worth it because I had such a lovely time. I went to The Rude Shipyard for tea and cake with Sara. I love it in there, it's like going back in time, even the guy serving looked like he was from the 70's on Saturday! haha, it was amazing, you might have to share a table with someone else and it's like being in someones living room, in a bookshop and in a cafe all at the same time. I still haven't tried their famous Guinness cake though - that'll have to be next time! They've always sold out by the time we get there.
Me and Sam went out for dinner, then to James' house, where he, Marianne, Nick and Sarah were playing cards and drinking wine.... that was really fun too.... my head was a little bit sore the next morning too! yeowch! Although I only need to have 2 drinks and I get a hangover.... :(
This week I'm looking forward to Open Mic night, and being on a mission at work. I like it!
Go outside and take a moment to just look at the moon.... it always makes me feel happy, you might find it makes you feel happy too...
Much Love x

Monday 31 January 2011

The first week, and a long weekend off.

My first weekend back at work at Nutrition Centre has been really cool, I really enjoy the interaction with the customers and the organising of things. It's so easy to forget how satisfying it is to have a customer come into the shop feeling down or poorly and have them leave feeling more cheerful or hopeful that they'll feel better soon. It's even nicer when they come back a week or two later telling you how well the herbs/vitamins worked and how much better they are feeling!
I was so tired by the end of the week, and on Friday I embarked on the drive back to Sheffield, which took 3 hours because of a minor little thing of a car burning just up ahead of me on the A42!! Pretty crazy! So I was exhausted when I finally got there.
It was a nice weekend though, we went to the Western Park Museum, which was kinda cool, some of it was a bit wierd, and it's all a bit random.... there isn't a set theme for the museum - just a bit of everything! haha! In the animal section I found a giant insect (see photo above) - I don't think it represents the actually size! hahaha!
We also watched the new Darren Aronofsky film The Black Swan, which I loved! Natalie Portman played Nina beautifully, and all of the characters are so intricate in their insanity! I did think some of the special effects for the swan were actually unnecessary as the acting portrayed what was going on well enough.
Today I spent the afternoon with my very best friend - which is one of my favorite ways to spend my time!
Much Love x

Monday 24 January 2011

First day back at work

Today has been an interesting day. Lots to take in. It's nice to be employed again though! Hooray :)
I spent most of today learning what I am going to be doing in my new role. It's going to be fun, I'm going to be doing a lot of work on the website which I am really looking forward to! But I won't start that fully for a couple of weeks.
Incidentally staying at my parents house while I'm working (they're letting me stay temporarily) means I get to play with the cute cats they have - Ozzie and Merlin. Merlin is currently tearing around the living room chasing his toy mouse, and Ozzie has spent the last hour attempting catch the biggest fish in the fish tank, through the glass.
I'll pop up a picture of Ozzie in a backpack.... he got in there himself, he loves getting in bags!
I don't have much else to post for now, life is very different to how it was 4 weeks ago.... and even more different to how it was 52 weeks ago! haha. It's funny sometimes how things work out.
Much Love x x

Tuesday 18 January 2011

All change.... again!

Two weeks on.... and everything has changed! Well nearly everything anyway! So the job hunt was relatively short I suppose, I was applying for anything that I thought I could deal with doing, although none of those jobs were anything like what I actually would enjoy doing for work. I know that some people have this odd idea that you don't need to necessarily enjoy your work as long as you are enjoying your free time.... that is not how I like to live! If I'm going to have to spend over 20% of my week doing a specific thing, then I really hope to enjoy it, or at least have an interest in it!
Well anyway, at the start of last week I was offered a job 18 hours a week, and minimum wage.... nowhere near what I need to earn to be able to live, but I took it regardless thinking I can always get a second job. (And by this point I'm really bored and just wanted something to do!! haha) I then called my old boss just for a chat and to tell her about what I was doing, and I asked her if she needed any help for the rest of the week before I started my exciting new £5.93 per hour job .... to which she replied yes please!
So off I pootle to Cirencester in my little green car to do 3 days work for Nutrition Centre. On my second day I get a bombshell dropped on me.... "Donna I've got a position available at Nutrition Centre, and I wanted to offer it to you before I offer it to anyone else.... " aaaaahhhh what?!?! - was my initial internal response! Hahaha!
Luckily 15 minutes later my very good friend and confidant Dan turned up to take me out for lunch. No joke, I was shaking! I knew that I wanted to take the job.... but I live in Sheffield? How on earth was this going to work!? After an hour long chat and a very nice caesar salad I felt a little calmer. After the rest of my day and a chat with Sam I was even calmer than that.... after accepting the job and returning to Sheffield, and knowing that this is how it was all supposed to work out anyway, I felt my shoulders relax for the first time in what has felt like a long time.
I start in a week... my working week will be spent in Gloucestershire and my weekends will be spent in South Yorkshire, and for all of you who think I must be mad - I'm actually looking forward to it?! I get to spend my week working for an independent company that I love, surrounded by the Cotswolds and all my old friends - and my weekends with my man in a city, which is fun and a stones throw from the Peak District!
Much Love x x

Tuesday 4 January 2011

The hunt gets serious!

No no no, i'm not talking about hunting animals, or people for that matter!! I'm talking about the hunt for employment! Lets face it, looking for a job is a rubbish task, and it's even more rubbish because when you are doing it usually you have no income. So it's not like you can enjoy yourself at the same time as looking for a job, oh no, this is a serious, no fun allowed business. Right? Well I just hope it's not a long drawn out process, because it's boring me just thinking about it! hahahaha!
No, seriously though, I have been applying for jobs, but you find yourself applying for things (because you feel like you should) that you probably don't really want. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I get interviews for the ones that I actually really want! So cross your fingers and toes for me too!!
May all of you who are back at work, remember how rubbish it is when you don't have a job, and enjoy your day!!
Much Love x x