Thursday 28 October 2010

Hype Dance

So I had managed to convince some of my new friends here to go to a dance class with me, and boy am I glad I did! We had SO much fun, we decided to go to a street dance class at a place called Hype dance (I will put a link for them at the bottom of the post) which is down a little alleyway and you probably wouldn't find it if you weren't specifically looking for it! Anyway there we were at beginners class, all 3 of us a bit nervous as none of us had done street dance before and Sara, bless her, at her first ever dance class!!! Then the teacher tells us she isn't taking her class this week but a guy from London will be and he trains with a guy who is one of the best in London at locking.... not to make us even more nervous!
Anyway, this guy was amazing, so much energy, so much fun, he had us doing loads of social dance moves like "the penguin" "funky chicken" "rock steady" and loads of other stuff, although somehow he makes all of this stuff look really cool whilst we are frantically trying to keep up with the pace! However, we all left the class on a mega high, I've not had so much fun for a long time! We're just hoping that next week (as we are all definitely up for going back!) will be just as much fun!! It also has to be said I am aching like crazy today, but I really don't mind as it's that good kind of aching! Hooray!

Monday 25 October 2010

A new beginning!

I know, I am rubbish, this has taken me a while to get it together to write a new blog! BUT so much has been going on, I've been in Sheffield for 3 weeks now, which also means I haven't been working for 3 weeks also! Very strange. Not having something that you have to be up for at a specific time is very strange for me.
However I have got a new job, I don't start for another 4 weeks, but I am looking forward to being part of a new team already.
I would love to upload a picture with this blog but I have lost the lead that connects my camera in the move, and it will be a while before I can buy a new one! The new flat is lovely, I am now used to it's quirks; noisy pipes, sounds of the neighbours, separate shared laundry room. It does have brilliant long windows, and in the living room the light shines in most of the day, which I love! There is nothing worse than a house with a main room that gets no sun - in my opinion.
I have spent a couple of weeks missing people back home, naturally, but I have met some really lovely lovely people here, I feel so lucky to have landed quite so firmly on my feet. The next few (eight) weeks are going to be really tight moneywise, but it's all a challenge right? I'll have a lot of time the next 4 weeks to really practice playing guitar also. I've been to The Works twice now, which is one of the biggest bouldering centres in the world (I think??) and it's really amazing, I feel quite out of practice though! My arms and fingers are getting tired out very quickly.
I have also seen a couple of really cool bands since I've been here, Mean Poppa Lean - who have SO much energy on stage, I can highly recommend anyone to go and see them, and I think they are touring most of the time, so check them out and go see them, I've never seen a venue ALL up and dancing, bar staff included!! And this weekend I saw a crazy band called Na Zdrove -also excellent!!!
It's funny, but it really doesn't take long to adjust to living somewhere new, it will take a bit longer before I think of it as my home. It's not going to take as long as I thought though!
Smiles x x