Friday 27 April 2012


Yes, I went to Canada, and now I've recovered from the journey home (which felt more epic than it should have done) I thought I'd share a few pictures of the things I saw...
An afternoon by the lake..
We went to the Cheltenham Badlands (ironic to go somewhere called Cheltenham I know) ... I could've sat here for hours listening, and watching the birds of prey circle over the trees. It was really hot though, and I was already a little bit pink in the face!
A weekend in Toronto, which was hectic to say the least! We saw a hilarious burlesque show on the Friday night. Saturday was spent, the afternoon in the Art Gallery nursing a hangover, then watching Ani di Franco at the Winter Garden Theatre in the evening. She was amazing, as expected, but her support band were awesome too. Pearl and the Beard. Definitely worth a listen!
Then... this is what we were greeted with on the Monday back in Orangeville! Not so cool! I am definitely not a fan of snow...
Anyways, I had a really awesome time, I slept for 12 hours last night and I could probably still sleep more now! 
Probably should actually do some stuff instead though!
Love and Adventures
x x

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Getting sucked in...

...To a book that is! ...I have been pretty busy of late, I don't feel like I've had a lot of time to myself... but I think that's more because when I do have a free hour or two I've spent it reading The Hunger Games... I'm totally sucked in! I went to watch the film tonight, loved that too! Move over Lisbeth Salander, Katniss Everdeen is my new heroine! I'm so fickle! hahaha!
Music has been going better again lately, I'm back in a creative phase after my being poorly and not being able to write or sing phase. So watch this space, hopefully gigs will be happening soon!
But!! Not before my trip to Canada, which I am getting excited about now... it's only 6 days away! I still have quite a few things to organise, and no more days off before then... hmmm Need to learn to organise myself better.. well actually, I've not learnt it now, I think I just need to accept that I leave things to the last minute and have done with it! 
Anyway, I'm very excited. 
I've not got much else to report other than, I miss my sister, even though I saw her a week ago, it feels like way longer, and yeah, I love The Hunger Games. hahahaha
Love and Katniss
x x