Sunday 22 January 2012

Being creative = being messy!

I am having such an awesome day today. I've been on my own all day, I've not even been out anywhere, but I've not needed to! I've been creative all day, and it's been such a long time since I've had a day like this. It's so much fun. I've played guitar loads, I've been writing lyrics too, and then I even got my paints out and did some art. I've not done any painting for about 2 years! Shocking. 
I'm not that great at painting but I don't really care, it's more for fun than for anything else.

I just love the fact that when I have days like this I'll look around after 5 hours and be like.... "oooh... I've got stuff everywhere!!" hahaha! 
Being creative makes me feel so positive and happy though. It's been a good day.
And I've been listening mostly to Ben Howard "Every Kingdom" and now I'm listening to RHCP "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" :-) 
Good times.
Love and creativity
x x

Saturday 21 January 2012


I've been wanting to put my thoughts together on the subject of friendship for a while now, and it's been something that I've been thinking about recently anyway. 
So here is my "two cents" on the subject... (The British version of "my tuppence worth" just doesn't have the same ring to it!)

And to everyone that has been/is/will be my friend, thank you. 
Love and Friendship
x x

Monday 9 January 2012


Everyone seems to be in the spirit of getting fit. I've never really done the new year get fit thing... but then I've always been fit... until now that is!
I've had a whole year off from regular exercise, and whist I've not gotten completely out of shape... I know that getting back into exercising at least 3 times a week is not going to be easy.
I really don't know how I used to do it at uni, I'd do at least 16 hours of dance classes a week, and then I'd go out dancing in the evenings, and I'd frequently go for a swim to get rid of my hangover... 
I guess I do still move around a lot, and I'm always running up and down stairs and lifting boxes, but I haven't been climbing for an age, and I've not been to a dance class in even longer.
So me and my friend Clare have decided to start running... I say running, it's going to be a lot of walking with attempted running in between said walking... and the running will probably be closer to a jog. It's going to be interesting.
I just hope my teenage exercise induced asthma doesn't reappear. That was a pain in the backside. I was pretty good at long distance running until I was about 14. Ah well. I might start a running blog, to document our progress.
It'll be a laugh, well, I keep telling myself it will be anyway.
Right, now where are the rest of my Christmas Ferrero Roches?
Love and Chocolate... I mean running... yeah running...
x x
...I love how this picture makes running look all romantic and exotic, rather than the sweaty, red faced girl, running along a pavement that I will be tomorrow...

Monday 2 January 2012

Mister Flufferbutt McGee

Most of the time when I write a song, it's all serious and stuff, and this time it was no different... Flufferbutt is a serious subject, one close to my heart....

Anyway.... I hope you all had a fun New Years Eve and that this year brings everyone lots of fun opportunities, laughter and happiness.

Love and Fun
x x