Tuesday 6 November 2012

Cats in Pubs and Sparkles

I managed 20 days of a photo a day... then I gave up. I missed a day, and I felt like it would be cheating if I took two on one day. Remembering to take a photo of something everyday is actually really hard!?
Anyway, one of my favorite things is making new cat friends, as you probably know.. I still see little Flufferbutt most days. He meowed a 'hello' in the dark and waited for his hugs on the wall again today. 
I made a new cat friend in the pub on Friday night, I was so excited when I was told "Don't look now Donna, but there's a cat behind you"
Oh, he was so handsome too, pure black with bright green eyes. I said hello and he jumped up on my lap for hugs. 
=^..^= yay!
My other favorite thing at the moment is sparkly nails, I have a new bestest ever colour, it's actually gold, but the photo makes it look silver...
Oooh sparkles...
I'm looking forward to Spanish class tomorrow, and music practice on Thursday - it's been FAR too long! And I'm having a charity event in my work on Saturday, that should be fun too! 
Being busy is good! 
Love and Cat sparkles
x x

Tuesday 30 October 2012

A Photo a Day: Part 5 + My Last Minute Hallowe'en "costume"

Hi Avid Readers! 
(hahaha! I don't think I have any 'avid' readers!)
I actually nearly forgot to take my photo yesterday so it's just of my stairs! And the day before that I was so tired it was just of my bed! 
Needless to say I've been super busy and haven't been anywhere really exciting to take photos... however scroll down to the bottom to see how to make a really easy Hallowe'en costume that takes minimal effort! (I'm rubbish with costumes!)
This is my bed, although it's less creepy in real life, this looks like something out of Paranormal Activity! I was so so tired by the end of Sunday, I was in bed at 9.30pm! Ridiculous!

Told you it was a photo of my stairs! I have an indoor garden on my stairs though. Its one of my favourite things in my flat!

Sometimes my life involves listening to pretty ladies talk about nutrition. That's what happened to me today.

And here is my newest video, which I filmed when I got in from Jade's party the other night explaining how and why my costume was so.... err... uh.. great?

Love and Hallowe'en 
x x

Saturday 27 October 2012

A Photo a Day: Part 4

I've had a very busy week, and have seen lots of people, which has been really nice! However now I'm really tired! Here are my photos of the rest of this week...
This is Mister FlufferButt McGee, also known as Archie. He's looking very grumpy here but he's actually very sweet! It's just so lovely to see him on my way home, and this day he ran up to me as soon as he saw me. So, so cute!

I went back to an old haunt for a good steak and to listen to my friend Debbie play and sing at open mic night. It was lovely to see some people I hadn't seen for a while!
Sometimes it's nice to have a night in, and after going to the gym from work all I wanted to do was stay in! My fireplace doesn't work so well, so I have candles instead!

Jade's birthday party! Hallowe'en themed! She looked stunning as a Jilted Zombie Bride!

Today a cold autumn walk in the park... lovely colours!

And now I feel like I can relax for the weekend! :-)

Love and colourful trees!
x x

Monday 22 October 2012

A Photo a Day: Part 3

I had mad beautiful dreams last night, there were golden birds... normal looking birds like swans and some I don't know the names of, but their feathers were golden... then I dreamt I was walking with my mum and we went off the road to a section of grass that had high walls around it, and there were big blooms of colourful exotic flowers. It was really pretty thinking back on it in now, but in my dream it was like that was completely normal. Our minds do interesting things when we aren't in control! :-)
Anyway here are my photos from the last 4 days!
Getting this one to smile normally is actually impossible... so I had to make do with this!

The sunset on my way home from work. It was more beautiful than this picture shows.

Yep... I ran out of time on sunday, this is the time in the evening I realised I'd not taken my photo for the day! 
I watched two films about time travel on Sunday too... maybe if time travel gets invented I'll come back and take a better photo... if this photo stays the same, don't worry, I hopefully have got better things to do while I'm Time Travelling!

A coffee with this lovely lady today! We hadn't had a catch up in far too long. 
Jade always has lovely clothes, I really liked her scarf today, it had sparkles too!

I'm a third of the way through my 30 day challenge now! 
Love and Smiles
x x

Thursday 18 October 2012

A photo a day: Part Two

Remembering to take a photo every day is actually not as easy a thing to do, especially if you are a person who doesn't really take photos that often... unless you're on holiday, like me.
And I probably could've taken photos of more interesting things, but it just didn't occur to me at the time...
My weekly trip to the local greengrocer, so much cheaper than the supermarket, and so much better quality veg! I love it!

This is how tired I look on a wednesday evening after a day at work and then a 2 hour spanish class... Estoy cansada!

This little doodle lives on my laptop at the moment, I think he's quite cute, the artist may disagree... he's not so keen on "cute" hahaha!

My neighbour took me out for dinner thisevening, to celebrate her getting her new job! Which is when I should have remembered to take my photo of the day... oh well... 
Love and picatures
x x

Monday 15 October 2012

30 day challenge, photo a day...

I like the idea of the 30 day challenge, you know, where you do something in particular every day for 30 days. 
I thought I'd start with something easy, so I'm doing a 30 day photo challenge. I'm going to take a photo of something every day... 
This isn't actually that easy for me, as I don't take photos that often really! And finding something interesting to take a photo of too is errrr... yeah, anyway. These are my photos so far! (And yes I'm instagramming it up, I'm not an amazing photographer by a long shot! hahaha!)
My cousin at her birthday party dancing with her husband... they were so fun to watch! Totally embraced the dance like nobody is watching, something I could learn from! :-)

Popcorn! I love popcorn and can't quite give it up yet!

My guitar, we hadn't played together for a while, so I made amends with that on Sunday!

White Tiger - My serious need for energy before body pump class this evening! It's like a natural Red Bull! Did the trick and tasted waaaaaaay better than Red Bull too :-D

Anyways, that's my first 4 days, 26 to go! :-) I might run out of things to take photos of... it could get interesting haha!

Love and photos
x x

Thursday 11 October 2012

A quick one today...

I don't seem to have much free time at the moment. I don't feel like I've had a good music session for ages! ... well that would be because I haven't. I really should sort that out, as I miss it lots. 
I have been spending a lot more time at the gym though, I'm really enjoying that. Who would have thought picking things up and putting them down again would be fun? hahahaha! 
So yeah, that's what my life consists of at the moment, work, gym, spanish class, and seeing people at the weekends! 
I will endeavour to make another video soon, just need a little time, and inspiration! :-)
This is a doodle I did a while ago, it's the only thing I've drawn in my little sketch book my friend Dan gave me. Which is a poor effort as he gave me it about a year and a half ago!
Just a short one today I'm afraid!
Love and no time
x x

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Spanish Class and Paleo banana bread!

I've been to my 3rd Spanish lesson this evening, I'm starting to find it fun rather than nerve wracking now! You never know soon I may be able to hold a conversation in Spanish for at least two minutes hahahaha! I find it quiet exciting learning a new language, it's like being able to understand a whole new world.
In other news my friend Clare has convinced me (well she convinced me over a month ago) to switch my diet to paleo... and after doing a whole lot of reading and being predominantly gluten and dairy free anyway I thought I'd give it ago! I can't believe how much BETTER I feel. Even on gluten and dairy free I was still getting stomach ache fairly frequently and now I don't. At all. It's amazing, and there's no going back really. My skin is glowing, my energy levels are amazing, I just feel better. 
I thought I'd give it a good month to really see whether it worked, and I'd say I'm paleo 90% of the time (I don't wanna be a bore when I'm out!) 
My favourite thing to make as a super hooray for carbs treat is banana bread....
It's amazing, if you want a carb hit... this is just the business... 
(Do you recognise chicken there? If not click here to see the chicken and the egg! He helps me with my cooking a lot. Also check out my super retro genuine 80's hand me down plate!)
Link to the recipe is here - PaleOMG her blog is really fun too.
So yay for banana bread and spanish lessons. 
I've got a day off tomorrow = yay!
Must do more music
Right I'm off
Love and bananananananananas!
x x

Friday 21 September 2012

Things I like

I've been meaning to post this all week!
These are the things I do like... in response to the things I don't like... 
My dislike for Ricky Gervais hasn't gone down well! haha! I just really don't enjoy his humour... I'm sure he's a lovely bloke other than that!
Anyway... here's what I do like...

I've had a week off this week so I'll fill you in on all the gossip (like I ever have gossip... hahaha, I really don't!)
Love xx

Thursday 13 September 2012

Things I don't like...

I'll be honest there aren't many things I don't like so this video isn't very long, but sometimes you just have to vent about the things you don't like!

I've made a things I do like video too, will post that in the next couple of days :-) that was much more fun to make!
I also wanna hear about the things you like or don't like!

Love D x

Thursday 6 September 2012

Picnics, Tree Climbing and Playing with your Food!

It's been sunny! And it's been my day off! AND my friend came to visit! Whoop whoop!
We had such a lovely day, I met her from the train station and I asked her what she wanted to do, and all she said was "PICNIC!" hahaha so thats what we did!
We got our supplies and suncream ready and went stomping off across the common. It was really windy though... this is Emma searching for a good "picnic spot" 
You know what it's like, you have to find the perfect spot, enough sunshine, good view, not too much wind that all your food would blow away! Anyway we found it! It was good! And none of our food blew away in the wind.

Our picnic consisted of sugar snap peas, apples, nectarines, olives, chorizo, vegtable crisps, beef jerky, sundried tomatoes and this stuff called "giganticorn" which was really seriously gross! It tasted like savoury sugarpuffs!!! We didn't eat those... because, you know, blegh! We did however make use of them in our "Food face" -
It's like we can't help it! Me and Emma get together and silliness has to happen at some point. He's called Fredrick, and we ate him... apart from his teeth, because giganticorn is wrong! hahaha! (Emma thinks giganticorn sounds like an evil corn villain - I agree!)
Also then we had to climb a tree, it was only a little tree, we weren't feeling too adventurous today. And we had just been lying in the sun for and hour and a half eating food! 
So I've had a lovely day in the sunshine, hooray. It's nice when you get to have a day where all you have to worry about is finding a good spot to sit and eat and talk with your friend. 
Happy days.
Love and picnics
x x

Thursday 9 August 2012

Remember this guy?

You may remember me writing a song about a cat that I see on my way home everyday? I used to call him/her Mister Flufferbutt McGee... well I still see him most days, and he runs over for his hugs!
The other day I met his owner - and he is actually a he, and not a girl like I thought at one point! AND his name is actually Archie... I didn't tell his owner that I call him Mister Flufferbutt McGee and I definitely didn't tell her that "Archie" has a song dedicated to him on Youtube... hahahaha!
Anyway this is what Fluffer looks like - 
He's really cute!
If you never heard the song... and honestly it is really very silly, then here it is...
Err... yeah so anyway...
Love and Meows
x x

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Sunshine, running and watching sport.

We've had a little bit of summer! That was kinda nice. I spent a whole afternoon in my parents garden (I don't have a garden so I go there to sunbathe!) in the sun reading my book. I even turned my phone off! It was lovely. I know sunbathing isn't very good for you but I enjoy it so much and I always put sunscreen on and go into the shade frequently. 
I got to see the lovely Merlin and Ozzie too (Or Merlie and Noodle as I call them!! hahaha)

I'm really enjoying watching the Olympic Games too, I always love being able to watch all the different sports that are never normally on tv. It's boring that we only get to see football, rugby, cricket, golf and a few others the rest of the time. Wouldn't it be great if womens sport was on tv on a regular basis too?
Talking of sport and exercise, I had pretty much a whole month off running, what with being unwell and then injuring my knee. I'm back running again but I'm having to take it easy because of my knee and also because my fitness has taken a bit of a hit unfortunately. I'm back on it though, and hopefully I will be able to take part in the Mud Runner in a couple of months or so.
I do like running, although sometimes I hate it because it's so hard!
Love and Gold Medals
x x

Friday 13 July 2012

How do you survive having a cold?

Well.. okay, it's not that hard to survive a cold! But these are my tips to make sure you get through it without feeling too bad...

... If you are poorly right now, I hope you feel better soon
x x

Sunday 1 July 2012


I should be at Mud Runner right now! But instead I am at home. I didn't get a cold incidentally - I got flu instead. A cold I could have dealt with, and I would have been out there running today. But no, I had the works, shivers, aching muscles, face pain (yeah I know face pain?) and well now I have a normal cold. So I think taking all my supplements means it has gone away quicker than it would have done, but it means that I'm not able to do mud runner oblivion anyway.
Seriously gutted!
Clare will be at the race ready to go right now, I'm so jealous! All our runs out together in preparation, and now she has to do the event on her own! Never fear though, I will find other events to do! AND I won't be getting sick before them! 
You know what it is? It's Ruuuuuubbish! hahaha!
Well I'm wishing Clare the best of luck, and I'm sure I'll be out training again soon! :-)
Love and no mud!
x x

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Disaster 24 hours

Ok, so disaster might be a little over dramatic! But last night while I was making my raw brownies (which do taste nice, although I put too much almond milk in so they're not really like brownies, more like... well I don't know, but it tastes good!) I was mega tired and cleaning up, just cleaning out my hand blender... forgetting it was still plugged in... pressed the power button by accident... finger in blade vicinity... yeeeeeaaaaaow!
Yeah - blended my finger a little... not too bad though, it's still all intact, just a little bit shredded on where my finger print would be. It did bleed rather a lot, and yes I did cry rather a lot too!! Ouch! But it seems to be healing super speed. No guitar playing for a while though!!
My other disaster is that I couldn't go running this evening - no not because of my finger, I'm not that much of a wuss! - but because I've developed a sore throat, and feel like I'm coming down with something. So not cool, I really don't want a cold in time for Sunday.
So in order to fight this off I'm dosing myself up with half a ton of Vit C and Olive Leaf!
You can even see my herbal tea on the table in an attempt to get as much going on to get rid of this before it even starts! I will NOT get a cold! Hahaha.
Well I hope it works anyway, I'm really looking forward to Mud Runner and I don't wanna miss it because of a silly cold!
Love and Vitamin C
x x

Tuesday 26 June 2012

5 days to go...

It's Mud Runner Oblivion on Sunday... 
...I'm scared!
Hahaha! Actually I'm excited, I've been doing loads of exercise, and the running is back on track after my tiredness phase! It's gonna be a laugh anyway, as it's the first event myself and Clare have ever done.
I'll report on our adventure!
Love and running
x x

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Playing in Lineover woods

I've not been able to write much lately, mainly because I spent nearly 3 weeks feeling exhausted! I must've been fighting something off. So there wasn't much energy for things like running, music and writing blogs. 
However I'm back in the world of the energetic now, which is lucky as I need to be fighting fit ready for Mud Runner Oblivion... which is the 10k obstacle course that I have somehow managed to be roped into?! (I'm sure it'll be fun... that's what I keep telling myself anyway! haha!)
I did go for a walk in Lineover woods on Sunday though, something that I'd been meaning to do for a while. There's quite a lot of cool things to see too. 
This is a Fragrant Orchid, which was growing in the more open part of the woods.
...And these mushrooms we found on a dying tree, they are called Dryad's Saddle, because they look like a saddle for a horse for a pixie or something! They are actually edible... not sure I'm up for trying them though! They did look really cool and magical though. :-)
To be honest I just like being in the woods and looking at all the cool plants and creatures, I get a bit nerdy with it! We saw a red and black froghopper too, and lots of bees and other wild flowers, and of course slugs hahaha!
Love and Woodlands
x x

Friday 1 June 2012

My Guitar

I love my guitar. 
There I said it. I know I'm never gonna be a virtuoso, but I love writing songs on it, and I love how it sounds. It's a pretty one. :-) Many hours have been spent just me and my guitar, writing new songs or attempting to learn other peoples...
I miss it when I don't get to play for a few days, even if I'm not playing anything special... (like I say, I'm no virtuoso!)
I only ever learnt to play guitar because I wanted to be in a band, hahaha! But I got hooked, I love songwriting, I'm seriously falling in love with singing again. My neighbours must get fed up with hearing me sing! The one tells me she thinks it's nice, so I guess I'm safe from raging neighbours for now! 
So I don't think I'll be ditching my guitar any time soon, and thanks Ray, if you read this, for selling me such a lovely instrument! 
Love and guitar
x x

Thursday 24 May 2012


It's official. I've started to actually enjoy running, rather than doing it because it's a goal, and I get competitive!! Clare and I ran our first 10k the other night, and whilst the time wasn't great, we were running cross country and largely uphill. There was such a sense of achievement when we got back!
I'm really enjoying running now because we're now sometimes running out through the fields and trees, and it's just so beautiful!
It amazes me that we see an improvement in our fitness every time we go out... although I would have never gotten to this stage if it weren't for Clare dragging me out to run, come what may!! She got the bug long ago! And I honestly never thought I'd look forward to going out for a run, but here I am looking forward to going out tonight and covering some distance.
Clare writes our running blog at the mo, so go check that out too:
Love and running
x x

Monday 7 May 2012


I honestly never thought I would feel at home anywhere... that's probably a strange thing to say, but ever since I moved out of my parents home when I was 18 or so, nowhere really ever felt like home. Nothing ever felt permanent... not that anything ever is, I guess I just never felt like I was staying anywhere. Since I got back from Canada it just made me realise... I'm here, I'm home. I feel like this is the right place for me. 
Out on a run the other night, we ran up through some fields... then just stopped to look back the other way. I love this part of the world, I love all the trees, and the open feel to everything. This time of year is amazing everything is so green and bright. It makes me happy. 
Especially after winter which just makes me wanna hibernate! I don't even mind all the rain because all the trees look so alive! 
Love and Home
x x

Friday 27 April 2012


Yes, I went to Canada, and now I've recovered from the journey home (which felt more epic than it should have done) I thought I'd share a few pictures of the things I saw...
An afternoon by the lake..
We went to the Cheltenham Badlands (ironic to go somewhere called Cheltenham I know) ... I could've sat here for hours listening, and watching the birds of prey circle over the trees. It was really hot though, and I was already a little bit pink in the face!
A weekend in Toronto, which was hectic to say the least! We saw a hilarious burlesque show on the Friday night. Saturday was spent, the afternoon in the Art Gallery nursing a hangover, then watching Ani di Franco at the Winter Garden Theatre in the evening. She was amazing, as expected, but her support band were awesome too. Pearl and the Beard. Definitely worth a listen!
Then... this is what we were greeted with on the Monday back in Orangeville! Not so cool! I am definitely not a fan of snow...
Anyways, I had a really awesome time, I slept for 12 hours last night and I could probably still sleep more now! 
Probably should actually do some stuff instead though!
Love and Adventures
x x

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Getting sucked in...

...To a book that is! ...I have been pretty busy of late, I don't feel like I've had a lot of time to myself... but I think that's more because when I do have a free hour or two I've spent it reading The Hunger Games... I'm totally sucked in! I went to watch the film tonight, loved that too! Move over Lisbeth Salander, Katniss Everdeen is my new heroine! I'm so fickle! hahaha!
Music has been going better again lately, I'm back in a creative phase after my being poorly and not being able to write or sing phase. So watch this space, hopefully gigs will be happening soon!
But!! Not before my trip to Canada, which I am getting excited about now... it's only 6 days away! I still have quite a few things to organise, and no more days off before then... hmmm Need to learn to organise myself better.. well actually, I've not learnt it now, I think I just need to accept that I leave things to the last minute and have done with it! 
Anyway, I'm very excited. 
I've not got much else to report other than, I miss my sister, even though I saw her a week ago, it feels like way longer, and yeah, I love The Hunger Games. hahahaha
Love and Katniss
x x

Saturday 31 March 2012

Zombies, run! - Review.

I don't normally write reviews, but this combines two the things that I like... Zombie apocalypses and exercise! 
Zombies, run! is a cool idea, and perfect if you find it hard to go running solo. It was fun, I enjoyed myself, y'know cos I need the idea of a post apocalyptic work to make me improve my fitness! haha!
Actually I just like anything that makes it about survival, even though the zombies caught up with me twice! hahaha!

Love and Zombies
x x

Thursday 22 March 2012

How not to bake a cake...

One of my 30 things is to "Bake an awesome cake" ... you will be aware that my muffins came out good the other weekend... however, this attempt wasn't as successful...

Love and Bad Cakes
x x

Sunday 18 March 2012

5 Random things

Here is 5 Random things about my week just gone...
1. I ran for half an hour straight for the first time ever! Whoop whoop! (plus it's only 6 weeks til Mud Runner Oblivion and we're now on a mission)
2. I baked! Shocking! One of my 30 before 30 is "To bake an awesome cake" I've not baked since I was in school, so I think it's one of those things I should learn to do. Anyway, I baked breakfast muffins... they came out good. I was pleased! 
3. I went to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. It's a lovely film, totally high on the feelgood scale! Awww.
4.I was given a print of one of my colleague's paintings. She's amazing, all her work is so beautiful and positive. It was such a nice thing for her to do! You can look at her artwork here: Ronnies Artwork 
This is the print I have...
5. I think that being 29 is going to be allllllright! :-) hahaha. In fact I think it's going to be better than alright, it's going to be really fun!
Love and happiness
x x

Saturday 10 March 2012

30 things before 30 - the ideas stage!

You may be aware that it's my birthday tomorrow, and if you weren't... well now you are. I am going to be 29, nothing special about that. However I am going to embark on a list of things to achieve... the list isn't even finished yet, so don't get to excited. 
So yes, I am going to do (like loads of other people) a 30 things before 30 list. I like the idea of having a whole year of doing crazy things that I otherwise might not have bothered to get around to doing. Besides it's time I did more fun stuff! All work and no play make Donna grumblegrumlegrumble... hahahaha!
I will be documenting the stuff I do, here and on youtube, and NO I'm not giving you my list, it's mine and I'll tell you the things I'm going to do as I do them. :-)

Over and out
x x

Saturday 3 March 2012

Cat Hugs

Many of you may have cottoned on the fact that I like cats quite a lot. I went to my parents house today, to see the cats, my parents were out. I like to have cat hugs regularly, and seeing as I don't own a cat at the moment then I have to take the opportunities when they are there!
Merlin was in a very affectionate mood, he just wanted lots of cuddles, he got his arms all up around my neck... haha his "arms" I mean his front legs :-)
Although he did get a little bit over enthusiastic and I ended up with his feet in my face at one point...
I wasn't as pleased about that! hahaha!
Anyway here is our little cat hug... he was being so cute =^..^=

Love and Cat Hugs
x x

Friday 24 February 2012

Feeling a bit under the weather!

I was supposed to go out this evening, but I feel pretty poorly, it's not very fun I'll be honest. I'm not good at feeling unwell. I get really annoyed that I can't do the things I want to do! I can't sing at the moment, I can't do any exercise. We had to cut our run short yesterday as I started feeling sick towards the end. Rubbish. I also hate it when you don't feel well and you have to wear make up too, it just feels icky.
I've been taking loads of Olive Leaf today and I'm gonna go to bed in a minute... I've been in my PJ's since 6.30pm! Check my amazing slippers hahaha!
Hopefully I'll wake up feeling better tomorrow!
So I've had a night in painting my nails.. although I've just looked at them and I haven't done a very good job of it, they've got marks on them... oh dear! hahaha! I did watch Natural Born Killers too. I think I've got a bit of a warped sense of what to watch when I'm not well!? 
Ok I'm going to bed now,
Love and Manflu (clearly)
x x

Friday 17 February 2012

Endless Possibilites

This is a thought that has been dancing around the outskirts of my mind for the past couple of weeks, anything is possible... and the possibilities are endless.
It's that sort of feeling that anything could happen, if only you open yourself up to it. 
I guess that what I've been thinking is that as long as you want something to happen to you, and you put yourself into a position where you could accept that possibility into your life... then it could happen. It's a cool thought, and I'm enjoying having it flickering round my consciousness like a little flame of inspiration.
I've been thinking more and more that I feel like I'm on the right track, I'm where I'm supposed to be, doing the things I'm supposed to be doing. Does this mean I've found my way? After all this time? :-) hahaha, who knows... I think I've found a clearing in the forest for now anyway. 
So here is to endless possibilites and all the wonderful things that the world can bring you.
Much Love 
x x

Saturday 4 February 2012

Which came first - The Chicken or The Egg?

So today I decided to embark on solving one of life's many mysteries, as you do. Today I got to work at the age old question of Which came first, the chicken or the  egg? Totally cracked it, all I needed was 5 minutes and some technical pieces of scientific equipment, a bubble interlude and some patience.
So here is the documentation of said experiment...

Glad to be of help.
Love and crap science.
x x

Sunday 22 January 2012

Being creative = being messy!

I am having such an awesome day today. I've been on my own all day, I've not even been out anywhere, but I've not needed to! I've been creative all day, and it's been such a long time since I've had a day like this. It's so much fun. I've played guitar loads, I've been writing lyrics too, and then I even got my paints out and did some art. I've not done any painting for about 2 years! Shocking. 
I'm not that great at painting but I don't really care, it's more for fun than for anything else.

I just love the fact that when I have days like this I'll look around after 5 hours and be like.... "oooh... I've got stuff everywhere!!" hahaha! 
Being creative makes me feel so positive and happy though. It's been a good day.
And I've been listening mostly to Ben Howard "Every Kingdom" and now I'm listening to RHCP "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" :-) 
Good times.
Love and creativity
x x

Saturday 21 January 2012


I've been wanting to put my thoughts together on the subject of friendship for a while now, and it's been something that I've been thinking about recently anyway. 
So here is my "two cents" on the subject... (The British version of "my tuppence worth" just doesn't have the same ring to it!)

And to everyone that has been/is/will be my friend, thank you. 
Love and Friendship
x x

Monday 9 January 2012


Everyone seems to be in the spirit of getting fit. I've never really done the new year get fit thing... but then I've always been fit... until now that is!
I've had a whole year off from regular exercise, and whist I've not gotten completely out of shape... I know that getting back into exercising at least 3 times a week is not going to be easy.
I really don't know how I used to do it at uni, I'd do at least 16 hours of dance classes a week, and then I'd go out dancing in the evenings, and I'd frequently go for a swim to get rid of my hangover... 
I guess I do still move around a lot, and I'm always running up and down stairs and lifting boxes, but I haven't been climbing for an age, and I've not been to a dance class in even longer.
So me and my friend Clare have decided to start running... I say running, it's going to be a lot of walking with attempted running in between said walking... and the running will probably be closer to a jog. It's going to be interesting.
I just hope my teenage exercise induced asthma doesn't reappear. That was a pain in the backside. I was pretty good at long distance running until I was about 14. Ah well. I might start a running blog, to document our progress.
It'll be a laugh, well, I keep telling myself it will be anyway.
Right, now where are the rest of my Christmas Ferrero Roches?
Love and Chocolate... I mean running... yeah running...
x x
...I love how this picture makes running look all romantic and exotic, rather than the sweaty, red faced girl, running along a pavement that I will be tomorrow...