Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Zombie Apocalypse Nightmare....

I have a recurring dream about the apocalypse (not of earth, but of mankind as we know it)... and actually I enjoy this dream. I hadn't had it for maybe a year? So it was very cool that I had it again last night. :-)

Does anyone else have this dream? Or any other kind of interesting recurring dream?
Love and Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse...
x x 


  1. I always have dreamt about how it would be if i were the only one alive and had nothing to do.
    I guess its close to your Apocalypse...evil...

  2. That would really suck! Luckily I'm never the only survivor in my dreams!

  3. all the time, always a different setting, usually a dark big building of some kind, and its never involved with people i know and love, mostly its people i have never seen before who are a part of my dreams..

  4. Oh that's kinda sad, it'd nicer if you were with people you knew in your dream... next time you have it try and take someone with you (you can do that sometimes in dreams!)
