Tuesday 28 June 2011

Time Alone

I need my space, I always have done... I'm having my alone space this evening. Sometimes I only need an hour, sometimes a whole evening, occasionally I need a whole day. Goodbye world I'm hanging out with myself for a while!! Ha ha!
I think on the whole it's important. It certainly keeps me sane, don't get me wrong, I LOVE being around people, but sometimes I just want to turn off, have some reflective time, or just bumble about, doing not much, on my own. You know, waste some time, or take a bath, do some music or writing. It's nice. :)
So... that is what I am doing for the next hour or so! 
I'm also going to start putting a few things in a backpack for my holiday! So excited now... I can not wait! Only one more day of work, and then 5 days in the sunshine and then 5 more days to do what ever I like. 
Life is good :D
Love and big smiles
x x

Monday 20 June 2011

Song writing, perfume, books and holidays.

Today has been my day off, and whilst the weather has been decidedly dodgy for June, I've stayed inside for most of today. I have however played guitar a lot, I've had to stop cos my fingers were complaining! 
I've written a new song today, well the melody and the structure that is, I wrote the words a long time ago. I can't write words right now, it's so frustrating, everything that comes out I'm not happy with. Writers block maybe? However I'm very pleased with what I have written today anyway. 
I revived an old old old song of mine too, which is cool cos I'd forgotten about it!
The rest of last week was fun too, I met up with an old college friend, always a good giggle. I sang a couple of songs with my friend at open mic night - i hope to do more of that soon.
I also bought a new perfume - which I LOVE! I've been wearing Angel by Theirry Mugler for about 3 years and I felt it was time for a change, so I've now got the Jimmy Choo perfume, it's lovely, the girl in the shop picked it out first for me - very clever lady! She knew what I would like straight away. I like how smells can take you back to a certain time or place, or remind you of a certain person. Wearing a nice perfume makes you feel good.
I got 3 new books this week too.... Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, When God was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman, and The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson. I've started Water for Elephants, and I'm sucked in already - love it when that happens.
I booked a short holiday with my sister this week too, so excited about getting away for a few days and getting some sun!! :-)
All in all it's been rather a good week, and here's to another one.
Love and good vibes
x x

Tuesday 14 June 2011


I know there's a song that tells me that a change could do me good, but really!!! If I could sum up the last year in one word that word would have to be change. I don't think anything else could have possibly changed! 
I've changed my job 3 times, I've changed where I live 3 times, my relationships with different people I know have changed. My outlook on my life has changed, my attitudes have changed. My emotions have changed, and how I want to live has changed.
I think that some of the things that have happened to me in the last year have been really positive, I feel quite free at the moment, and whilst the lead up unto now has been hard and at times down right rubbish, it's been a learning curve. 
I've learnt a lot about myself, I feel happier in my own skin now. 
Sometimes upheaval can be a positive thing, it can also bring home to you which people in your life that you can really count on.
I have also realised that without music in my life, I am not a very happy bunny. :) I'm SO thankful to everyone who has ever played music with me, and to anyone who continues to write, or create or just allows me to express myself musically.
Right I'm off to play my guitar I think...
Music and Love
x x
(The slightly blurred, picture is of me and a handsome guy called Ozzie)

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Band Practice....

I have band practice tomorrow.... and I'm very excited about it! 
I've been writing again for the first time in ages too. 
It makes me happy.
That is all.
Love xx