Monday 26 September 2011

New Home (again) and Ghosties!!! or lack thereof...

I've moved into my new home, I'm finally settled into somewhere that I am going to live for a whole year - for definate!! YAY! 
It's a nice feeling. I'm starting to feel like it's my home now, I just need to meet a few more people from the area and I'll be sorted. I've met 2 of my neighbours and they are really friendly too. :-)
I also need a sofa.... sitting on the floor is fine, but after a week or so a sofa is seeming like a really attractive item of furniture to have!!
Anyways... here's a little video about ghosts... and the ones that I definately DON'T have in my flat....

Sweet dreams!!!
x x
(I love how it looks like how I've got my finger up my nose in the video still... wonderful!)

Monday 12 September 2011

The move is imminent!!

Hellooooo! I know, I know, it's been over a month, I'm rubbish and I haven't had a chance to really write here for ages. I am however moving house at the end of the week!! I'm so excited!! My own place! This is the first time I've lived on my own, somewhere that I have chosen. YAY!
I only hope that my friends don't forget about me when I'm living in a new town... :-) I'm sure that the ones that count will stay in touch. 
I'm gonna miss little Merlin and Ozzie too... nawww little kittycats. They're so naughty and cute.
So a lot of my thoughts have been filled up with moving home (again) the last month. I've been reading lots too, I'm nearly finished with the millenium trilogy. Lisbeth Salander is my current heroine. I want to watch the films when I've finished the books. :-) I was a bit disapointed that Mikael Blomkvist wasn't so attractive in the films as he was in my head hahaha!
Anyways, I've got lots to organise with work and with moving, I'll hopefully blog a little bit more when I've got more time.
Music and Love 
x x