Thursday 9 August 2012

Remember this guy?

You may remember me writing a song about a cat that I see on my way home everyday? I used to call him/her Mister Flufferbutt McGee... well I still see him most days, and he runs over for his hugs!
The other day I met his owner - and he is actually a he, and not a girl like I thought at one point! AND his name is actually Archie... I didn't tell his owner that I call him Mister Flufferbutt McGee and I definitely didn't tell her that "Archie" has a song dedicated to him on Youtube... hahahaha!
Anyway this is what Fluffer looks like - 
He's really cute!
If you never heard the song... and honestly it is really very silly, then here it is...
Err... yeah so anyway...
Love and Meows
x x

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Sunshine, running and watching sport.

We've had a little bit of summer! That was kinda nice. I spent a whole afternoon in my parents garden (I don't have a garden so I go there to sunbathe!) in the sun reading my book. I even turned my phone off! It was lovely. I know sunbathing isn't very good for you but I enjoy it so much and I always put sunscreen on and go into the shade frequently. 
I got to see the lovely Merlin and Ozzie too (Or Merlie and Noodle as I call them!! hahaha)

I'm really enjoying watching the Olympic Games too, I always love being able to watch all the different sports that are never normally on tv. It's boring that we only get to see football, rugby, cricket, golf and a few others the rest of the time. Wouldn't it be great if womens sport was on tv on a regular basis too?
Talking of sport and exercise, I had pretty much a whole month off running, what with being unwell and then injuring my knee. I'm back running again but I'm having to take it easy because of my knee and also because my fitness has taken a bit of a hit unfortunately. I'm back on it though, and hopefully I will be able to take part in the Mud Runner in a couple of months or so.
I do like running, although sometimes I hate it because it's so hard!
Love and Gold Medals
x x