Thursday 17 March 2011

A new doodle!

Hello! Once again, it's been a long time. Life has been busy, I don't get a lot of time to share my thoughts with myself, let alone with anyone who happens upon my blog!
Work is busy, home life is busy, I don't have a lot of free time to just chill. This evening however I did get time and I managed to do another doodle film. Which is up on youtube already! Hooray! watch it here:
I may have a new musical project in the pipelines in a few months too, early days at the moment though! As in it's still in the discussion stage! Looking forward to seeing what kind of sounds it's all going to make though!
I hope everyone who reads this is safe and happy (I have the news on in the background, so many people in the world who are in scary situations in the world)
D x