Tuesday 30 November 2010

Sister visits are the bestest!

In the last ten days, I have not been incredibly busy, but busy enough! My sister came up to visit!!! Hooray! That was really amazing, she was only here for about 24 hours (she left slightly early due to the threat of snow) but it was so nice to have her here! We all went out for dinner and cocktails at a place called The Wick at Both End and the food was amazing. We ended up at this slightly dog eared, but actually hilarious shisha lounge (actually a tent with lots of sofas) to be fair though the guys working there were lovely and dispite the need for a hoover the place was actually alright, and we had a laugh! They did inform us that they were going to be getting more tv's and lasers too... (which just made us chuckle)
The next day we went on a vintage shop mission! Jo got some really cool sunglasses, and I found some levis for £20 that actually fit me properly.... I was in shock! So hard to find jeans that are long enough in the leg, without being too big around the waist! :D Very happy Donna indeed (and now I have a pair of jeans that haven't got a hole in them)
So that has been my excitement for the past week anyways, I also started working at White Stuff, which isn't as bad as all that, but it does make me miss my old shop. It's our staff xmas party on Saturday night... wish me luck!!?!?
I have to say, I am NOT enjoying the snow.... I'm just a bit rubbish this time of year, it's cold and wet and I swear humans weren't built for this kind of thing. It's actually just stopped snowing as I was writing that, but we are due some more... :(
hahahaha, I'll try and get in the spirit of things... wooo yay snow yehaw....
nope not working, anyone fancy a trip to LA, or Bali, or Sydney?
Much love (not for the snow though) x x

Saturday 20 November 2010

The Show!

Wow! What a night it was! We had rehearsals Monday and Tuesday night, and then were in the theatre all day on Wednesday in preparation for Wednesday night! My goodness, it was so much fun, never have I seen so many beautiful and talented girls in one place at one time!
Top model Alex Leigh hosted the show, (she is stunning by the way!) and then the dancing and singing extravaganza began... (all the while backstage we are all franticly changing costumes, removing lipstick smudges from our faces and keeping a smile intact the whole while) Miss Bettie Dean was sexy as ever, I was gutted that I missed Karina Grigorievas contortionist act, as everyone said she was amazing, I did get to see the fantastic Ailona Lukiyanovas hula hoop act, I would love to be able to do what she does! All the singers were wonderful, and I wholeheartedly loved being one of the "Miss Betties" So much fun, and from a budget of nothing but generosity, we raised £350 for Domestic Violence Victim Support. Next time we hope to raise even more (there will be a next time!)
Needless to say the next day I was absolutely exhausted!!! And ended up spending most of the day nearly asleep! In the evening I did go to another charity event organised my friend Sara for Sheffield Mind. A comedy night, which had me giggling rather a lot! I hope they raised a lot, as it's such a good cause.
The photo at the top is of a few of us after the show, hence the random bits of costume that we have left on, and unfortunately it's a little bit blurred (it was taken on an iphone!)
I would love all of you to watch a video that Jolene made and was played at the start of our show.
I just watched it again, and I think it says it all really. I'm so glad to have raised money for such a worthy charity.
Much Love
x x x

Sunday 14 November 2010

Graduation and Going Home

I've only been in Sheffield for 6 weeks but I had to make a trip back home because it was my sisters graduation!! I'm so very proud of her, she's been working as a fully fledged nurse already, but to see her being officially congratulated for all the hard work she has done was really lovely. :)
It was also really nice to have lunch with all of my family - mum, dad and sister! It's so rare that we are all able to get together all at the same time now.... we're not even sure we'll all be there for christmas dinner at the same time! haha!
Being home was really lovely, and I got to see my grandparents and my nanna.... and my nanna's cat (technically my cat but she's looking after her for me) Poppy! I'll put a picture of Poppy on here. (My camera lead arrived!! hurrah!) She's still tiny, I don't think she's going to grow much more, she's just a dinky little thing... who loves watching the birds on the bird table out the window!
I only got to see my best friend for a few hours while I was home, which was a bit sad as I miss her very very much, but at least I got to see her for a while :) I'm hoping she's going to come and visit me sometime soon... (hint, hint)
All in all I've had a busy, but lovely weekend home. Now this week, I'm really looking forward to, rehearsals tomorrow and Tuesday, then the show on Wednesday! I've got to work really hard in rehearsals as I missed the ones they were doing over the weekend. :(
I'm very excited though!!
Love x x

Friday 5 November 2010

Climbing and Dancing


I've been busy the past couple of days, climbing and dancing! :D This makes me very happy!

I went climbing at The Edge on Tuesday, luckily me and my climbing partner are at around about the same skill level so it works out pretty well, (well actually she's a bit better than me! haha!) but it was really cool to go and do some roping as I haven't done any for a long time, and I push myself that little bit more when I am roping than when I'm bouldering... falling off is less scary when you know someone is going to catch you! Sarah is so light too it feels like I'm belaying a feather! haha!

Then on Wednesday, I went off to Manchester to have a rehearsal with a girl I went to uni with. She is putting on a Charity Dance Show OFF! Which is basically a dance show with lots of upbeat dancing, burlesque (she's a burlesque dancer - Miss Bettie Dean!) hula girls, show girls.... it's going to be really fun. It's only in 2 weeks so I was at rehearsals yesterday and Wednesday, and I can't tell you how much fun it was to be back dancing and helping with the choreography! The feeling of being part of a creative process is really rewarding and I'm looking forward to more rehearsals on Sunday.

I also managed to get to my beginners (hahaha) Street dance class on wednesday evening at Hype dance. We had the normal teacher this week, she's really good at isolations and she started teaching us a hip hop routine... and the beginnings of how to wave (no not the type you do when you are greeting someone!) It has to be said.... I am SO not Street! hahahahaha, but it's really fun attempting the moves.... you'd all laugh so much if you saw me in class.

Much Love x x

(Still no sign of the lead for my camera I ordered in the post!)

Monday 1 November 2010

Hallowe'en and Bengals

So spooky weekends were had by all I'm assuming!! My hallowe'en was rather subdued to say the least, no dressing up this year, no making pumpkins, well I sound like a right old party pooper don't I!! I was a little bit gutted that I wasn't going to be back home for hallowe'en with Laura, to watch Crayfish play.
However me and Sam weren't completely boring, we did go out on Saturday night to a tiny venue called Red Room and saw a couple of cool bands.
One called The Motherfolkers (haha - made me laugh anyways!) and they do a lot of covers
and a band called Mantra Rhythms, who have a room in the building where Sams studio is, I'd put a link to their myspace but they have nothing on it yet (and the drummer said they've lost the password!! haha)
I also did manage to get back into the writing frame of mind on Saturday, which I am really pleased about, I finished the outline of a song that previously had 6 lines of lyrics and a couple of chords scribbled by it! Now, to drag Sam to his studio to get him to help me polish it off! :)
I'm very excited about the fact that I've ordered a new usb cable for my camera today too! Hooray! So I will actually have some pics to show you at some point soon.
ooooo I almost forgot I was at one of Sams friends houses (he lives in a really crazy building actually) and he had the most amazing cat I've ever seen - next time I'm there I will try and get a photo - he's called Monster and he's a Silver Bengal! He's beautiful and his fur was so soft he was super speedy when he's playing too!
love x x