Tuesday 19 June 2012

Playing in Lineover woods

I've not been able to write much lately, mainly because I spent nearly 3 weeks feeling exhausted! I must've been fighting something off. So there wasn't much energy for things like running, music and writing blogs. 
However I'm back in the world of the energetic now, which is lucky as I need to be fighting fit ready for Mud Runner Oblivion... which is the 10k obstacle course that I have somehow managed to be roped into?! (I'm sure it'll be fun... that's what I keep telling myself anyway! haha!)
I did go for a walk in Lineover woods on Sunday though, something that I'd been meaning to do for a while. There's quite a lot of cool things to see too. 
This is a Fragrant Orchid, which was growing in the more open part of the woods.
...And these mushrooms we found on a dying tree, they are called Dryad's Saddle, because they look like a saddle for a horse for a pixie or something! They are actually edible... not sure I'm up for trying them though! They did look really cool and magical though. :-)
To be honest I just like being in the woods and looking at all the cool plants and creatures, I get a bit nerdy with it! We saw a red and black froghopper too, and lots of bees and other wild flowers, and of course slugs hahaha!
Love and Woodlands
x x

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