Friday 5 November 2010

Climbing and Dancing


I've been busy the past couple of days, climbing and dancing! :D This makes me very happy!

I went climbing at The Edge on Tuesday, luckily me and my climbing partner are at around about the same skill level so it works out pretty well, (well actually she's a bit better than me! haha!) but it was really cool to go and do some roping as I haven't done any for a long time, and I push myself that little bit more when I am roping than when I'm bouldering... falling off is less scary when you know someone is going to catch you! Sarah is so light too it feels like I'm belaying a feather! haha!

Then on Wednesday, I went off to Manchester to have a rehearsal with a girl I went to uni with. She is putting on a Charity Dance Show OFF! Which is basically a dance show with lots of upbeat dancing, burlesque (she's a burlesque dancer - Miss Bettie Dean!) hula girls, show girls.... it's going to be really fun. It's only in 2 weeks so I was at rehearsals yesterday and Wednesday, and I can't tell you how much fun it was to be back dancing and helping with the choreography! The feeling of being part of a creative process is really rewarding and I'm looking forward to more rehearsals on Sunday.

I also managed to get to my beginners (hahaha) Street dance class on wednesday evening at Hype dance. We had the normal teacher this week, she's really good at isolations and she started teaching us a hip hop routine... and the beginnings of how to wave (no not the type you do when you are greeting someone!) It has to be said.... I am SO not Street! hahahahaha, but it's really fun attempting the moves.... you'd all laugh so much if you saw me in class.

Much Love x x

(Still no sign of the lead for my camera I ordered in the post!)

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