Thursday 28 October 2010

Hype Dance

So I had managed to convince some of my new friends here to go to a dance class with me, and boy am I glad I did! We had SO much fun, we decided to go to a street dance class at a place called Hype dance (I will put a link for them at the bottom of the post) which is down a little alleyway and you probably wouldn't find it if you weren't specifically looking for it! Anyway there we were at beginners class, all 3 of us a bit nervous as none of us had done street dance before and Sara, bless her, at her first ever dance class!!! Then the teacher tells us she isn't taking her class this week but a guy from London will be and he trains with a guy who is one of the best in London at locking.... not to make us even more nervous!
Anyway, this guy was amazing, so much energy, so much fun, he had us doing loads of social dance moves like "the penguin" "funky chicken" "rock steady" and loads of other stuff, although somehow he makes all of this stuff look really cool whilst we are frantically trying to keep up with the pace! However, we all left the class on a mega high, I've not had so much fun for a long time! We're just hoping that next week (as we are all definitely up for going back!) will be just as much fun!! It also has to be said I am aching like crazy today, but I really don't mind as it's that good kind of aching! Hooray!

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