Friday 10 December 2010

Sheffield Cats Shelter

Yesterday I went to volunteer at Sheffield Cats Shelter, I decided that I wanted to do some volunteering because, seeing as at the moment I'm only working a couple of days a week, I'm going a little bit crazy with boredom. I'm not good at sitting about all day, with nothing to do. So I called them up on Wednesday, and went in to have a look around and started to help them with their daily cleaning.
I was given Room 1 to clean. Which has 7 cats in at the moment, I was amazed that they all get along quite so well! Of course when i started moving things around and scrubbing their baskets and the walls etc, they all got moved around and one of the younger boy cats (Guy) started chasing this poor little timid cat called Pablo around the room! He wasn't happy bless him!
It was hard work but I really enjoyed it, you wouldn't believe it though, the first day I go to help out, I snapped the head off of one of their scrubbing brooms.... and then as I was going out of the lobby door the door handle came off in my hand!!! I couldn't believe it! I was trying to apologise, but I think they found it quite amusing.
I only stayed for the morning yesterday as I didn't take any lunch with me, but I think on monday I'll go again and stay longer to help out, then I can get to play with the cats for a bit too. They have about 50 cats there, there are a few that are poorly, and there are some kittens too. (They also have a cat called Donna hahaha!)
So for anyone who has a lot of time on your hands, go and volunteer somewhere, even if you only do it for one day, you never know you might like it! :)
x x

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