Sunday 19 December 2010

Smiles in the cold!

I am a true believer in things happening for a reason, even if sometimes we can't see that reason. Sometimes I feel like I have everything in the world, other times I feel like everything is slipping away. I know however this is all a state of mind. The other night after coming back to Sheffield, after being at a lovely wedding, where everyone was feeling happy and close to their family, I got to my flat on my own, and the heating wasn't working - it was SO cold, and I honestly had a moment of thinking, Oh god everything is awful - I'm all on my own, I have to go and work at a job I don't want to go to tomorrow, and it's so cold I have to sleep with thermal clothing under my pyjamas.... then (after about an hour of this) I was overcome with gratitude for what I have. I actually said out loud "I'm so thankful to have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in, I'm so thankful to have people who love me, and thank you so much for letting me meet all the wonderful people that I have, thank you for the food I have to eat...." I'm not sure who I was thanking - as I'm not religious I guess I was thanking the universe for providing all of this for me.
I'm not sure how normal it is to feel like that when it seems like it's all a bit rubbish, but thats the feeling that came over me. I guess that my reason for feeling like this was to remind me of how much I do have.
I am however looking forward to going home again for christmas - as it's still SO cold in my flat!!
Here is a smiley picture to remind me (and you) that smiling makes everything better (right?)
Stay warm
Love x x

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