Saturday 13 April 2013


Something I've been thinking about a lot the past few weeks is self confidence. It's something that doesn't really come naturally to me. However I'm realising that it's the one thing that I really need to change as it's starting to become a problem.

Let me back up a little. I started doing this thing called Crossfit about 4 months ago. I can honestly say it's changed a lot in my life!! I never thought I'd get up at 5.30am to go and do a workout for a start! The changes have all been positive though. I feel like I'm achieving something nearly every day. How often can you say that? 

The thing is that the past few weeks this little voice has been popping up in my head. (It's my voice don't worry, the leprechaun isn't telling me to burn things!) It's that voice, that isn't my friend... in fact it's becoming my enemy. It says things like "I can't do that" and "I'll never get through 5 rounds!!!" and "That's way too heavy for me" 

It needs to change. 

I don't know why these thoughts have suddenly appeared, but I hand on heart want them to f%*@ right back off where they came from!
Because despite this little voice, I'm still breaking my own records... so I think I just need to tell myself I'm doing ok, and if I don't get that pull up, power clean or toes to bar today, it doesn't matter because I'm going to keep on trying until I do get it, because I can.

Love and Crossfit 
x x

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